Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It has officially been 2011 for 26 days now. And I'm sure all (like, two) of you are wondering how my resolutions are going. Well, they're going pretty darn well. I go to the Y five days a week now (three running and two water zumba). I've lost five pounds already. :) As for the cooking thing, I don't know about healthier cooking, but I have been cooking more and eating better proportions. I have been making healthier food choices, adding more fruits and veggies (this month's Healthy Habit) to my choices. And I definitely drink more water. The money thing is still needing some work. But without so much eating out, I think it's starting to get there. As for the cleaning thing, well, it started off well. I was even making my bed EVERY day! Haha. But that's kind of gone by the way side. But I'll get back on it.

School has been going pretty well. My students are showing slow maturing, but at least it's a small step. I have done really well staying on top of my grading though. Which is a huuuuge load off.

On a final note, I hope everybody is Remembering the 10.

"A cowboy never lets his hat touch the ground, unless he his bucked off his horse or he is deeply grieved."

We will ALWAYS remember. January 27, 2001.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well, 2011 is finally upon us. I was writing a check for my bills today, and it was really hard to remember to put 2011 instead of 2010! With the new year come the New Years resolutions. Yes, everybody declares their resolutions for the year, but how many actually go through with it? I, for one, have probably never succeeded in going through with my resolutions.

Until now. I'm going to make 2011 the Year of Change for me. I will finally get off my lazy butt and make the changes that I've been saying for years now I was going to make. I've already got a manageable plan and I am going to stick with it. The resoluations are as follows:

1. Along with probably 90% of America, my first resolution is to lose weight. The difference? I'm actually going to do it. I'm not setting a number goal to reach, because those just seem pointless to me. My goal is just to get to the point where I feel good about myself and look healthy.

2. Exercise. This seems like it would be part of #1, but I'm considering it separately. I'd like to get into a regular exercise schedule and start taking part in 5K's and half marathons. I'm hoping by next year, I'll be able to do the OKC half marathon again.

3. Eat healthy. Again, sounds like it should be part of #1. But again, I'm counting it separately. I'd like to start out cooking one healthy meal a week. Hopefully that will become more as I get into a good routine. We eat out a lot, so healthier choices at restaurants are a must.

4. Save money. I know, I know, I'm almost 24, you'd think I'd already be on this. But sadly, I haven't been. I've decided there are several things I can cut back on so I can save some money. (Although, with the Nook I got for Christmas, this may be easier said than done. :)) I'm working on it. Budgeting, cutting back, all that.

5. Cleaning. Again, I know, I'm almost 24, and I can't keep my room clean? I admit, it's a little on the sad side. But 2011 is my Year of Change, remember? There's no time like the present to nix all those bad habits.

These are just the big, big ones. Of course, with all these come all the little ones, but I don't need to go into all of those. I've done a lot of reading up on all my exercising and eating healthy and I think I know how to do it right this time so I can be successful. So, here's hoping I can keep with it.

Happy New Year!