Thursday, October 7, 2010


I feel like life has taken off without me, and I'm barely hanging on! As soon as I mark off one or two things from my list, I feel like I add about five more. The other day, after a particularly rough day at school, I came home and just sat in silence for like fifteen minutes. No tv, no dogs, no Facebook. Just. Silence. I sat in my chair and stared off into space, enjoying the peace. It was glorious.

I think I need a vacation. How far away is fall break? Oh yeah. Eleven days. Because I'm counting down.

This is my life for the next 11 days: School (of course), grades = report cards = parent/teacher conferences, cleaning my room because I can't take it anymore, getting caught up on school projects (there's that darn to-do list again, will I ever get rid of it??), weekend trip to Lubbock (which means a long day on Friday, getting everything ready for school on Monday, because, let's be real, after spending my weekend in Lubbock, there's no way I'm gonna make it to the school on Sunday to get things ready), and most importantly, sleep. Does that leave any time for the enjoyable things in my life, like breaking out my sewing machine, because it's been forEVER? Nope. I feel like I've neglected my poor quilt. And it makes me sad.

On another note, this week is Homecoming. Monday was Crazy Hair Day and I rocked this sweet high, side ponytail. I'm talking full-on 80's awesome-ness here. But apparently, it wasn't crazy, according to my kids. Because, let's be real, I must wear my hair like this often, right? Oh dear. Tuesday was Twin Day, and the other 6th North teachers and I ROOOOOCKED it! We all dressed up as hippies, and it. was. epic. Once there is a picture on the website, I'll copy and post it on here. Wednesday was Pajama Day, thank goodness. And today was Favorite Team Day. I wore my OSU jersey and Pistol Pete earrings, of course. Even my panties were OSU, thanks to Victoria Secret's collegiate collection. But I didn't share that with anybody. Tomorrow is Tiger Day, duh.

**Side note: Lee DeWyze just came on my iTunes, and I must say... I love him. He can come sing to me every nite.**

This might be one of the most random blogs I've ever written. I like it.

Not entirely sure why I'm still up this late, but I should probably head to bed. 105 twelve year olds await me tomorrow. Oh boy.

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