Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Plan

All right, so, this is the new direction my blog is going to take. I've decided that I'm going to keep my work out log on here. Maybe this will keep me more accountable. Haha. We'll see. Now, don't get me wrong. I'll keep going with the normal updates on my life. But I'm also going to be updating you on how my fitness plan is going. Tonight, I'm going to create my fitness plan and post it on my bathroom wall next to the mirror so I see it every day. Then, I'll let you know how well I'm keeping up with it on here! Sound good? Good.

Well, with that out of the way, here's an update on my life. School has been going well. I had my last observation with my university supervisor (yay!) and he said he's definitely going to recommend me for my certificate (bigger YAY!). So, I'm finally done with all of that! I think, anyway. Haha. HOPEFULLY. :)

I did meet a boy a couple weeks ago. He's cute and very cowboy. And I like hanging out with him. I'm just not sure how much boyfriend-potential I see in him. To be quite honest, I'm not sure how much boyfriend-potential I see in anybody right now. Still healing the heart a little from the last one, I guess.

In other news, the weather has been B-E-A-UTIFUL here this week! It makes me want to sit outside allllllll afternoon long! Which is bad, because I usually have a lot of stuff to do. Haha. I'm pretty sure that I will cry if it gets cold again. Mother Nature, you can NOT tease me with this lovely weather, and then send snow again! It's not funny! So I'm hoping that spring is here and winter has finally left.

I don't really have much else to say. Better go cook me some (healthy) dinner and get my school stuff finished for tomorrow!

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